Seller Walk-thrus and Tips
Setup Guide
Ensure you have a cli-wallet opened and rolled out from a full-node. Fund it with enough to cover a few transactions. Make sure to always use the same wallet and not to use integrated addresses for receiving payments that are generated with other tools, the auto-refund system could refund unrecognized integrated address payments.
Download and unzip the seller app for windows or linux to a folder in your desired location.
Use the following cli-wallet launch command (in windows) to setup the rpc connection:
dero-wallet-cli-windows-amd64 --rpc-server --rpc-bind=
You can use any public node or your own node for the daemon address, the more reliable the better!
Upon opening the first time you will need to choose your password which is not changeable at this time so do what you need to do to remember it.
In settings, enter your Dero username or set it to blank and click submit.
Now you should be able to register with the DeroList website.
Click register and it should show an api key in the web api id field.
Go to products and add a product, then click submit to save it. From there, scroll down and click add integrated address. These can be thought of as buying options. Congrats, you should now have a listing on the DeroList website!
Watch the Go Pong Node Seller App Setup Guide on YouTube for a step by step walk-through of the setup and product creation process. Or read the in-depth guides for physical goods setup, digital goods setup and token setup.
Tips and how listings work
If you want to become a featured member make sure to add a registered Dero username in the Seller App settings. You can add or update your username after registration by adding a username and then clicking register again. This will add you to the members list providing you a profile to share that lists all of your products in one place. If a user has not checked-in / opened their seller app to process any new transactions in over a month the profile will be delisted from the members list. Checking in again will restore the member listing on the member page. The profile will remain until the products have been deleted or the inventory has been depleted.
Products are automatically delisted from the main products list if you haven't opened your app in over 24 hours. The Seller App sends a check-in signal to the Pong Hub (this website) every 5 minutes and as long as your app is open and not paused it will show that you are online.